

It was my birthday last week.
Unfortunatelly it was in the middle of the week.
My husband almost forgot about it.
We were too busy to have a party,
but he took me to the new sushi
restaurant for lunch.
And he gave me some flowers in the pot.
It was lovely.
It came and went.
I just got older one more year again!

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English Fun Party

 3月31日、4年ぶりにパーティを開きました!! 英語を使ったチャンツ、詩の朗読、劇、歌、手遊びなど、みんなで楽しむことができたと思います。 来年に向けて反省点はたくさんありますが、演じる人も見る人も楽しいパーティにできたらと思います。